Class Conversation

Represents a Conversation.


  • Conversation




archived: boolean

Conversation archived.

commentsCount: number

Conversation commentsCount.

contactPrimaryIdentityKey: Uint8Array

Conversation contactPrimaryIdentityKey.

conversationTimestamp: number | Long

Conversation conversationTimestamp.

createdAt: number | Long

Conversation createdAt.

createdBy: string

Conversation createdBy.

description: string

Conversation description.

disappearingMode?: null | IDisappearingMode

Conversation disappearingMode.

displayName: string

Conversation displayName.

endOfHistoryTransfer: boolean

Conversation endOfHistoryTransfer.

endOfHistoryTransferType: EndOfHistoryTransferType

Conversation endOfHistoryTransferType.

ephemeralExpiration: number

Conversation ephemeralExpiration.

ephemeralSettingTimestamp: number | Long

Conversation ephemeralSettingTimestamp.

id: string

Conversation id.

isDefaultSubgroup: boolean

Conversation isDefaultSubgroup.

isParentGroup: boolean

Conversation isParentGroup.

lastMsgTimestamp: number | Long

Conversation lastMsgTimestamp.

lidJid: string

Conversation lidJid.

lidOriginType: string

Conversation lidOriginType.

markedAsUnread: boolean

Conversation markedAsUnread.

mediaVisibility: MediaVisibility

Conversation mediaVisibility.

messages: IHistorySyncMsg[]

Conversation messages.

muteEndTime: number | Long

Conversation muteEndTime.

name: string

Conversation name.

newJid: string

Conversation newJid.

notSpam: boolean

Conversation notSpam.

oldJid: string

Conversation oldJid.

pHash: string

Conversation pHash.

parentGroupId: string

Conversation parentGroupId.

participant: IGroupParticipant[]

Conversation participant.

pinned: number

Conversation pinned.

pnJid: string

Conversation pnJid.

pnhDuplicateLidThread: boolean

Conversation pnhDuplicateLidThread.

readOnly: boolean

Conversation readOnly.

shareOwnPn: boolean

Conversation shareOwnPn.

support: boolean

Conversation support.

suspended: boolean

Conversation suspended.

tcToken: Uint8Array

Conversation tcToken.

tcTokenSenderTimestamp: number | Long

Conversation tcTokenSenderTimestamp.

tcTokenTimestamp: number | Long

Conversation tcTokenTimestamp.

terminated: boolean

Conversation terminated.

unreadCount: number

Conversation unreadCount.

unreadMentionCount: number

Conversation unreadMentionCount.

username: string

Conversation username.

wallpaper?: null | IWallpaperSettings

Conversation wallpaper.


  • Converts this Conversation to JSON.

    Returns {
        [k: string]: any;

    JSON object

    • [k: string]: any
  • Decodes a Conversation message from the specified reader or buffer.


    • reader: Uint8Array | Reader

      Reader or buffer to decode from

    • Optional length: number

      Message length if known beforehand

    Returns Conversation



    If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer


    If required fields are missing

  • Decodes a Conversation message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.


    • reader: Uint8Array | Reader

      Reader or buffer to decode from

    Returns Conversation



    If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer


    If required fields are missing

  • Encodes the specified Conversation message. Does not implicitly verify messages.


    • message: IConversation

      Conversation message or plain object to encode

    • Optional writer: Writer

      Writer to encode to

    Returns Writer


  • Encodes the specified Conversation message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.


    • message: IConversation

      Conversation message or plain object to encode

    • Optional writer: Writer

      Writer to encode to

    Returns Writer


  • Creates a Conversation message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.


    • object: {
          [k: string]: any;

      Plain object

      • [k: string]: any

    Returns Conversation


  • Creates a plain object from a Conversation message. Also converts values to other types if specified.


    • message: Conversation


    • Optional options: IConversionOptions

      Conversion options

    Returns {
        [k: string]: any;

    Plain object

    • [k: string]: any
  • Verifies a Conversation message.


    • message: {
          [k: string]: any;

      Plain object to verify

      • [k: string]: any

    Returns null | string

    null if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not

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